We are  a South Sudanese women grassroots, not-for-profit, self-help Community Based Organisation (CBO) in Kapsoya Eldoret Kenya. We work to advocate for community unity, eradicate poverty and enact positive social change through education, women economic empowerment and sustainable enterprises development among South Sudanese women and communities

Our Initiatives and interventions Empowers South Sudanese Women Youths and Children,to be the agents of positive development and peace within their communities.

Women Mobilization

We help mobilize, support, empower and educate South Sudanese women and girls in Eldoret to realize their potentials and be agents of community unity and development .

Grow Communities

Through our targeted interventions we enable and bring together South Sudanese Women to assist and support each other to thrive wherever possible..

Create Opportunities

Part of our mandate is to promote and advance the education, information, and general empowerment of this group's members to enable their understanding practice, and appreciation of the diverse South Sudanese cultures, arts, and customs, and the roles that Business enterprise and peace play in development. .


Even  though South Sudan has not had any major  wars or conflicts for the past seven Years displacement numbers,both internally and externally  have continued to increase in recent years, community rebuilding  efforts are needed more than ever. our projects, actions and interventions are going to be empowering most of these vulnerable displaced communities especially women Youths and Children  every year.

How you can Help

We believe that everybody can help in their own way from beeing a volunteer tobecoming a donor or suportet of our specific causes.We do not discrminateon the kind of help you can extend our way.

Donate Your Time

At Amer Meshack’s Women Empowerment Initiative we believe in the power self sacrifice to our cause of women empowerment.We thus welcome all volunteers.  

We accept all monetary Donations

All of our programs depend on well wishers and as such we accept all donations big or small from all our supporters and wellwishers,we believe that no donation is too small for our cause.

Donate to a specific Cause

We understand that individuals have various causes that resonate and they feel passionate about, and as such our empowerment programs are diverse.

Our Initiatives enable community unity, eradicate poverty and enact positive social change through education, women economic empowerment and sustainable enterprises development among South Sudanese women and communities.

Our  Projects include South Sudanese women & girls Education, women & girl’s life Skills Training and Economic Empowerment, The Amer Meshack’s Women Empowerment Initiative enterprise mentorship Network, Early girl child marriage Advocacy and Education, and Support women & Youth lead community Peace advocacy programs.

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You can Directly contact us to discus your intended donations and assistance to us.

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